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Tips for Good Health

Images by Seb

To stay or to be healthy, it is important to always remember this saying: "You are what you eat". If you have ever had an unhealthy fatty meal, you know the feeling of having a hard time digesting, sleeping, moving, and your energy level being down. However, eating well brings your energy level up, you feel lighter, motivated to exercise, etc.

Eating healthy helps achieve a higher level of fitness. Healthy foods is a boost for motivation to exercise, whether it is Running, Crossfit, Yoga, Pilates, Swimming; your body will demand physical activity.

Eating healthy also helps the body perform better and achieve fitness goals. Stretching becomes easier, Yoga poses become easier to do, Running becomes enjoyable (yes, it is possible), unless you are in the Phoenix/Scottsdale area in the Summer...

My Yoga Kitchen published a list of tips to help your health, and these tips will also help you achieve your fitness goals:

  • Eat four times a day at four hour intervals

  • Do not skip breakfast, it is the most important meal of the day

  • Do not drink water with your meal – drink water 30 minutes before a meal

  • When you eat a meal, you’re stomach should be 1/2 filled with food, ¼ with water (drunk 30 minutes before) and ¼ should be empty for proper digestion

  • Eat food that is freshly cooked

  • Do not overeat or eat too less

  • Food should be tasty and easy to digest

  • Food should be eaten with concentration and in a calm environment

As Always, everyone is different, and what works for some might not work for others, but it's worth a try!

Below are some Yoga / Fitness related photos Images by Seb recently did:

Images by Seb - Website - Wedding, Fitness, Fashion, Portrait, Maternity, Commercial/Advertising & Fine Art Photographer in Scottsdale, AZ

Images by Seb

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